Join A Westside Table

One of the best ways to grow closer to God and become more confident in your faith is to join a group. We call those groups Westside Tables.

Westside Tables are groups that will help you meet other people, explore and deepen your faith and get better connected as part of our church. Westside Tables are conveniently located and designed in a way for you to both make and keep a commitment to grow in your faith.

We have several new groups that are beginning in 2024 and we are always adding more.  

  • Reading the New Testament: We are reading the New Testament together this spring. We’re putting groups together to help you do something that seems easy but is easy to lose momentum as we are going to read the entire New Testament between by the end of April. Some groups will meet in person, others will meet online. This is a great way to do something that you’ve been meaning to do for a long time! You can sign up and learn more at this link.
  • Becoming: Connecting With God: Becoming is our signature faith formation group, which brings people together for five-week classes that can help you grow in your faith. The January class, which begins January 10, will focus on connecting with God by learning how to pray and integrating spiritual practices into your busy life. Learn More and Sign Up for Becoming Here.
  • Westside Men’s Bible Study: Our Westside Men’s Bible Study will begin on Thursday, January 11. We meet at The Works from 7:30-8:30 a.m. This group is a great place for men to read the Bible together, pray for one another and encourage each other as we learn how to apply the Bible to our lives. Learn More and Sign Up Here.
  • Westside Women’s Small Group: Our Westside Women’s Small Group will begin meeting on Sundays at 10 a.m. at Round Trip Brewing before worship. Come join us and grab a cup of coffee and be encouraged with faith, support and prayer. Sign up here!

To learn more or request more information about a Westside Table group, complete the form below and we will be in touch with you.